We were beginning to think that it would never happen again, instead, at a slow pace, we have started witnessing a timid yet progressive return to displacement conditions that were deemed impossible only a few months ago.

Indeed, some fair-type events have already taken place, while others are scheduled for the coming months.

Some sales managers have requested, and obtained, the confirmation of face-to-face meetings.

Everyone is quite favourably inclined to go back to the “old times”!

We will certainly have to wait a little longer, and we can additionally detect strong differences between geographical areas, with some countries still lagging far behind with vaccine cover or when faced with recurring successive waves of infection. However, the signals we can draw from the market and from people’s will gives us strong hope.

Current possibilities and available room to manoeuvre are obviously different from what they were in the past. The two years that have just passed have crystallised remote contact and commercial management methods, which will be hard to remove, also because they have represented, and to some extent are, a progress or at least an appropriate complement to in attendance relationship methods.

We are therefore making giant strides towards what many had foreseen: the new market reality will be a hybrid of remote relationship methods and face-to-face contacts.

Giordano Poultry Plast, too, wants to and is already progressively adopting these methods, with the first rounds of attendance in fair-type exhibitions, albeit mainly local so far, the first requests for face-to-face meetings, and the first short business trips.

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